Matteo Esposito
Ph. D. Student
m.esposito !at! ing.uniroma2.it
MsC Degreee in Computer Science Engineering110 cum Laude - 21.10.2021
@ University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Professional Experiences
- Teaching Assistant @ University of Rome "Tor Vergata" | 2019 - Present
- Process, Procedure and Behavioural Innovation Consultant @ Metropolitan City of Nettuno (RM) | 2019 - Present
- Process, Procedure and Comunication Innovation in Computing Consultant @ Regione Lazio Council | 2020 - Present
- R&D Vice Director @ Multitel S.r.l. | 2017 - Present
Teaching Assistant
- Computers Foundalmental
- Algorithm Engineering ( Algorithm and Data Structure )
- Software Engineer I
- Software Engineer II